Tuesday, April 04, 2006


To flemmards, thank you.

It's nonsensical, illogical, crazy, even.

I have 3 weeks left of class. After exams, I'll be leaving the city I've called home for the last 7 months. That's seven months of growing relationships with classmates and friends. Seven months of creating a new life, with new people. Some of them even french! :O

You can probably guess which one of these people has grown the closest to my heart. Someone who I'd gotten to know by chance because some professor took a long lunch break on September 14, 2005. That was the afternoon I'd stepped into the Dept Informatique, completely oblivious to the fact that at 1:30pm, all offices are empty, cafes full, because it's dejeuner time, dammit! Kenji however, was waiting around because he had an appointment with Prof X, apparently a real flemmard (lazy bugger). It was there we got talking, and he found out I was in 3rd year Licence Informatique.

Just like his brother.

The following week, a fellow strikingly similar-looking to Kenji introduced himself to me on the first day of class. "Tu es la canadienne, non?" It was amazing how much we had in common, Kenji's brother and I, in actions, values, personalities (although I had a lot to learn about French food)

Fast-forward through months of being such close friends that "Mais vous habitez ensemble?" was asked of us more than once. Being more than friends? Yeah it crossed our minds, but complications, see...

Then it really hit me, Sunday morning at 1am. We'd just watched Love, Actually at Linda's place. Great movie, it's about the agony of being in love with someone you couldn't have. The worst thing is to stay silent and watch as the opportunity passes by you. As you writhe in pain. Then, the regret afterward. You can't change the past!

For my sanity, I really needed to do something. Be Honest, first and foremost.

So I was honest. And with only 1.5 months left, our resulting decision may not be the wisest. But dang. I'm happy. Really, finally, happy.

Yeah! Well i'm happy that you are happy so ha! :)
About time you had a permanent smile plastered back on your face. Good to hear.
Awwww. Good for you. :)
YAAAY! We have a ending to our story!!!
=D So happy for you!
That's fantastic! Sometimes you just have to go with your gut (and your heart).
Honesty is always best for the soul. :)
Thanks for the being happy for my happiness :) I just might even blog more often.
... and happily ever after they go skipping off in to the Southern French sunset...
Ca serait bien que tu parles aussi un peu de moi dans tes blogs, ça me ferait plaisir.
Je me sens si seul... :p
Aw Brian!
Brian is the guy who always eats sushi at Kenzo's house when I'm NOT THERE.


Seriously I'm glad Kenzo has you as his best friend, that'll never change, of course. As long as you keep teaching me how to play belotte ;)
You totally deserve it!
if it's all that you want, you are, of course, welcome when we make SUSHI PARTY.
But you can also speak more about me, I think your friends really want to learn more about me.
Wow, this is the most awesome blog ever. Great ending.
Yeah and look! People from *this* side of the world are finally commenting! Merci a Brian et Dale, mais Alexandre et meme ptet Kenzo ca serait bien pour vous de faire une apparence la (can you say make an appearance??). Et jsais pas qui d'autre qui lit ce blog...
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