Sunday, April 23, 2006


fait chier...

I am so talented.

Even with 7 months of intensive french culinary training, I still manage to ruin 2 cakes in succession, where cake recipe instructions consist of "Melanger les ingredients. Mettre-le au four." (Mix ingredients, put in oven). Ca rox, comme Alexandre dit.

In other news, my parents will be getting a shock on their next American Express bill. I just bought plane/train tickets for 4 different trips.

1) Nice -> Paris This Wednesday I'm heading up to Paris again (with finals next week, what am I thinking!?).
2) Nice -> Paris (again) 29.00 euro Easyjet flight in August with my family
3) London -> Vancouver Yes, I am coming home eventually :) August 19 is the day, 11 months and 7 days after my departure
4) Rome -> Tel Aviv

That's right, this July I'm heading to the happiest place on earth -- Jerusalem!

Honestly, I didn't even check. I asked someone who used to live there what airport I should fly into, and she said Tel Aviv.

Besides, having to make my way to Jerusalem gives it more of that "personal pilgrimage" kinda feeling :P (Yeah it's just a busride away but still).
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