Thursday, April 06, 2006


But girl Happy Meals get nice stationary!

So I went to the local McDo for my usual 4 euro Happy Meal, and two things surprised me.

1. I got the boy toy.

[too lazy to take picture]

OK, so granted, a Sonic and Tails electronic handheld shooting game is pretty damn cool. I mean, if it were a Hot Wheels racecar, I'd be pretty distraught and demand they recognize my (presumably) obvious feminine features to get the girl toy instead. But Tails is just so awesome. Amazing what McDonald's Technology is coming up with these days.

2. You can't get Sweet and Sour Sauce for your McNuggets. Desole, on n'a que (I'm sorry, all we have is),


(Yeah. It's the same sauce.)

There's nothing wrong with being mistaken for a 12 year old!
Oh, almost forgot, Hi Angelica!
Especially if you get to shop in the kid's section for less tax, right Kat? ;)

There's something about "Classic Chinese Sauce" that's just really freaking funny right now...
They didn't have hot sauce?

McDonald's in India had hot sauce. Same with Hong Kong.

Why don't they do that here? Dammit.
Hi Kat! Or should I say... DR. KAT!! :D Congrats by the way :)

I dunno if they have hot sauce. But they have this weird "Sauce - Frites" for fries. It's like tartar sauce, and does NOT substitute good old ketchup. Crazy french cuisine.

Although, the new Coke Blak was created in France, and that is hella good.
Video conference rules!
The first thing I saw in this post was "I got the boy toy" and I immediately thought, "Yeah, you mentioned that in your last post ;)"

(I call Jason my boy-toy on occasion. He corrects me: man-toy.)
Lol...I was wondering why no one had commented on that yet =)
Excellent. I left that one hanging open in anticipation. Glad someone picked up on it!
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