Wednesday, November 16, 2005


No real bombs, just bombing midterms

Oddly happy right now. Well, considering que j'ai complètement raté my midterm d'architecture, I'm very content. I remember the days when I'd come home to an empty appartment and sulk alone the couch. No more! Now I can sulk with the warm company of my roommates.

Take Neli for example. She's from Moldavia (are there other Canadians out there that have never heard of it either?) and is the nicest girl ever!! Both she and I adore music, although she's more into singing. So into singing that she actually has produced two songs in Romanian - they were on the radio anad everything!

Right now I should be studying for my databases exam on Friday, but instead I'm learning the lyrics to her song Te Astept... yay procastination!

Sorry for the lack of interesting things to say. My brain is fried like an egg on the engine of a Mack truck stuck in traffic on a hazy summer afternoon. *falls over*

Does she speak Russian too?
Yup, and practically perfect French, English and some Italian too, I think...

I wish I grew up in Europe!
Hm...maybe you should get her autograph...she might be some big european celebrity hiding from all the paparazzi!!!!...*shrugs* ya never know...
nah...never heard of Moldavia before either...

Maybe you can ask and become her manager? :p You can rake in lots of moolah managing celebrities...ahahhaha

btw...can you put a link to my blog? (
> I wish I grew up in Europe!

Yes, if only you grew up in a household where you had the opportunity to learn a language other than English...

I wonder what that would have been like for you. :-)

[Of course, I'm married to someone who grew up in a similar situation and pretty much knows the words for "dishcloth" and "grandmother".]
"[Of course, I'm married to someone who grew up in a similar situation and pretty much knows the words for "dishcloth" and "grandmother".]"

Hey, she still scares away the bad spirits pretty well. I bet Angelica is just as talented in that area.
Uh... no bad spirits so far. She's good with phone solicitors though.
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