Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Word of the Day

Okay kiddies, time for a french lesson. Today we'll learn the expression "sécher un cours".

Yesterday I had class from 8:00AM to 7:30PM with only one 45 min break for lunch. Gosh, was I tired. Today, I started again at 8:00AM, and by the time 5:00PM rolled around, I couldn't bear another 2 hours in tutorial hell. Donc j'ai séché le cours, and went grocery shopping instead.

Who can guess what it means? Babelfishing est strictement interdit.

Skipped? Played hooky? Logical guesses.

In case it's out of left field, I'd say you mooned the class and calmly went about shopping.
Yuppers. You win. Here is your prize.
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