Saturday, October 15, 2005


I need a real alarm clock

You know what sucks?

Using a cell phone as an alarm clock,
Setting it for 10am on a weekend,
Getting startled out of a dream by that annoying ringtone,
Jamming the button to stop the ringing,
Muttering curses,
Seeing the phone display an "End Call" option,
Sleepily hitting the button again...

... and realising that I just accidentally mumbled "f*ck" to my auntie and hung up on her.



This is why I set my alarm tone to something completely different from my regular ringtone.

Did she call back? :)
You can say "f*ck"?! I'm impressed!
Ah, that's the ticket. Gotta change it to something *completely* different. Not just random-annoying-polyphonic-song, 'cause those all do sound the same... brilliant!

Yeah, she called back 20 seconds later. I sheepishly answered and we pretended nothing had happened :)

And yes Omar, there are few occasions where I spout obscenities, and being disturbed from sleep is one of them. Yang, Eugene and Noah know the other situation, eheh.
poor sweetie !!!!!!!! LOL
ahahhahahahaaaa...that's too funny...I've done that to my cousin's phone call...only to find out that it's my uncle answering (stupid deceiving call display....)

Hope everything is well :-)
That is priceless (and embarassing!) :D
Oh good, so I'm not the only one that does this. Except I DO have my alarm and ring set to completely different tones... Hey, never disturb a girl during her beauty sleep!
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