Wednesday, September 28, 2005
I've never, ever spilled anything on my keyboard before.
Just now, I was struggling with the Pegollo's printer, pulling on a jammed sheet of A4 paper, when paper yank -> hot Orange Pekoe -> Pegollo's open laptop magically aligned. I won the tug-of-war with the printer, but I lost in life.
Yay for destroying the belongings of the family who's feeding me and putting a roof over my head. Speaking of feeding, I'm getting fat :( People have even started noticing...
Just now, I was struggling with the Pegollo's printer, pulling on a jammed sheet of A4 paper, when paper yank -> hot Orange Pekoe -> Pegollo's open laptop magically aligned. I won the tug-of-war with the printer, but I lost in life.
Yay for destroying the belongings of the family who's feeding me and putting a roof over my head. Speaking of feeding, I'm getting fat :( People have even started noticing...